Interview by the GEO News Network about the importance of international collaborations during the visit of the Ambassador of Pakistan in Brussels at Hasselt University, Belgium.
Seminar at Institute of Sustainable Transportation & Logistics (State University of New York, USA)
Venue: September 18th, 2014: 12:45 PM – 1:45 PM, Ketter Hall room 140, University at Buffalo North Campus
Interview by the GEO News Network about the importance of international collaborations during the visit of the Ambassador of Pakistan in Brussels at Hasselt University, Belgium.
Title: Empowering Citizens with Sustainable Transportation in the Cities of Today & Tomorrow
Abstract: While some may argue that the added value of one research domain is more limited in terms of added economic value than the other, the contribution of transportation research towards the society as a whole is significant. According to several predictions, the transport sector will overtake industry as the largest energy user by 2020. Unfortunately, the sector has major negative economic, social and environmental side effects. The complexity of today’s policy decision making has motivated several international research teams to develop policy frameworks which are finally aimed at mitigating these negative externalities of transport.